
Registration: 109653/069/070


Important Notice from Nepal Japan International Education School 心得












1: Student who do not have a original certificate/document to apply study visa to Japan, please don't waste your time. we do not accept illigal documents. Sorry for inconvenient.

2: Those student who want to study in Japan, please study hard at home too, the time you study at our school it is not enough. you need more time to study.

3: Japan is only the country where you cannot get part time job without speaking Japanese language. if you have a good skill of Japanese Language you will get job easily. 

4: Please attend your class regularly, if you miss the class it will be difficult for you. you lost your lesson and difficult to go ahead with other students.

5: Please pay your monthly fee regularly. if you don,t fallow the rules you cannot success in your daily life in Japan.

6: Try to learn Japanese Culture before you go to Japan which is very important. you can search on youtube, facebook, google etc.

7: Be polite and gentle all the time because Japanese are very polite and gentle (give respect and take respect). your loyality representative all nepalese. 

8: Study Japanese Manner on daily life and on Work.

9: Study how to keep clean your house and Surrounding and how to throw Garbage. if you throw garbage outside you will be punished by Japan Government.

10: Don,t forget you are in japan to study and make a better carrier in your further life.so don,t go wrong way ,like a become refugee ,get drunk on the street and shouting on the sensitive Area, fighting on the street, miss behavour with others. don,t show your cheap class attitude. 

All the students who live in Japan, These students are going to be Nepal's image representative or face , if student will wrong or bad activity then all nepal image will be the same and if student will give a good or nice performance then no doubt all nepal will get good reputation. 

We wish all the best in your bright future ahead. 



Thank You.
Mr. Lila Bista

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